If you have been on a job hunt or sought a promotion, you know that employer and coworker references are usually vital parts of the process. The statements others in your workplace make about you can also significantly affect your professional and public reputation. If an employer or coworker speaks dishonestly about you to others,... Read...

Treated unfairly at work? Contact attorney Theo Khachaturian today at 818-237-4166 or contact us about your case. Unfortunately, the workplace can be unkind. Sometimes you can bring legal action against your employer for unfair treatment at work, and sometimes you can’t. How do you know when a workplace issue is legally actionable? Read the following article for insights and... Read...

California workers should be able to earn a living in a safe and secure environment. You should not face threats, harassment, or bullying on the job based on your race, gender, age, or any other protected characteristic. Employees in California are protected against workplace bullying under a number of different laws. California employers have a... Read...

Being mistreated on the job can be both emotionally draining and psychologically damaging. In extreme cases, it may also be legally actionable in California.  If you were mistreated by your supervisor or boss due to poor conditions at work, you may be wondering: Can I sue my boss for emotional distress? Can I sue my... Read...

Every employee, no matter their employer, the position they are in, or the level they are at in their career, is entitled to a safe and non-hostile work environment. If a work environment becomes hostile, that employee is entitled to pursue legal action. But, you may wonder, what does and does not constitute “hostile”? Defining... Read...