If you have been on a job hunt or sought a promotion, you know that employer and coworker references are usually vital parts of the process. The statements others in your workplace make about you can also significantly affect your professional and public reputation. If an employer or coworker speaks dishonestly about you to others,... Read...

The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) is the primary law that protects California employees from discrimination, retaliation, and harassment in the workplace. If you have experienced any of these issues while employed in California, you may be eligible for relief.  California FEHA Regulations The FEHA anti-discrimination provisions are applicable to any employer with... Read...

If your employer has wrongfully denied you paternity leave in California, contact attorney Theo Khachaturian today at (818) 844-5200 or contact us about your case.  Does California Guarantee “Paternity Leave” to Dads? Paternity leave is not just for mothers. If you are a new father in Southern California, you may be eligible for job-protected paternity leave — and potentially... Read...

Treated unfairly at work? Contact attorney Theo Khachaturian today at 818-237-4166 or contact us about your case. Unfortunately, the workplace can be unkind. Sometimes you can bring legal action against your employer for unfair treatment at work, and sometimes you can’t. How do you know when a workplace issue is legally actionable? Read the following article for insights and... Read...

Medical discrimination in the workplace is illegal in California. This means that employees have protection against termination or mistreatment based on a medical condition or disability. Furthermore, their employer must protect their medical information and cannot disclose it without the employee’s permission. Both California and federal law require that employers offer reasonable accommodations to employees... Read...