What is considered a hostile work environment in California? It goes by many names, but the conditions and impact are the same: a workplace is so stressful that it begins to impact employees’ physical and mental health, instills fear, and causes decreased job satisfaction. Many people have challenging jobs, and many more probably feel as... Read...
California’s constructive discharge (also known as constructive termination or constructive dismissal) occurs when a California employer, for unlawful reasons, knowingly creates harsh, intolerable working conditions for an employee. Unfortunately, too many California employees find themselves in the difficult position of wanting to resign their jobs because conditions at work have become unbearable. This leaves the... Read...
If you have been on a job hunt or sought a promotion, you know that employer and coworker references are usually vital parts of the process. The statements others in your workplace make about you can also significantly affect your professional and public reputation. If an employer or coworker speaks dishonestly about you to others,... Read...
In today’s workforce, flexible and unconventional employment arrangements abound for employers and employees. One example is ”per diem” jobs, which have gained popularity across different industries. But what is per diem work, and how does it differ from traditional employment? A per diem job in California is a flexible work arrangement where employers employ individuals... Read...
A lead plaintiff’s award in a class-action lawsuit isn’t universal or fixed. Instead, a lead plaintiff’s compensation depends on several factors, including the specific case details, the class size, and the court presiding over the case. Lead plaintiffs sometimes receive a higher percentage of class settlements as part of their compensation package or as an... Read...
The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) is the primary law that protects California employees from discrimination, retaliation, and harassment in the workplace. If you have experienced any of these issues while employed in California, you may be eligible for relief. California FEHA Regulations The FEHA anti-discrimination provisions are applicable to any employer with... Read...
While there are clear advantages to consolidating multiple plaintiffs with similar legal claims into one case, the risks of joining a class action lawsuit merit careful consideration. Although joining together in a class action can be powerful, plaintiffs risk receiving a smaller individual payout if the award is distributed among many people. They may also lose their... Read...
If your employer has wrongfully denied you paternity leave in California, contact attorney Theo Khachaturian today at (818) 844-5200 or contact us about your case. Does California Guarantee “Paternity Leave” to Dads? Paternity leave is not just for mothers. If you are a new father in Southern California, you may be eligible for job-protected paternity leave — and potentially... Read...
Being misclassified as an independent contractor by your employer can result in financial hardship and lost benefits. Some employers use independent contractor misclassification to significantly reduce their tax liability, wages, and other expenses. If you have been misclassified, it is important to talk to an experienced attorney who can help you claim the benefits you... Read...
The way your employer pays you should be fully transparent. Pay transparency can protect employees from wage theft and other labor code violations committed by employers. California law requires employers to provide wage statements with each pay stub to employees to help ensure they are paid for their time at the proper rates. If your... Read...