Universal Protection Services (Allied Universal Security) security guards who were mandated to work without pay are encouraged to visit the settlement website to join the collective action lawsuit. Employees have asserted that Universal Protection Services violated wage and hour laws; the guards are demanding to receive a minimum of double their unpaid wages.
The security guards claim that their employer violated the Fair Labor Standards Act by requiring them to perform extra work before and after their shift began. The plaintiffs also argue that since Universal Protection Services did not keep accurate records of the guards’ overtime hours, the security company violated federal labor stipulations.
Any potential Class Member is invited to join the lawsuit, according to the settlement website. Potential Class Members include any hourly security guard employee of Universal Protection Services who was employed by the company on or after April 17, 2017. Potential Class Members should have received a lawsuit announcement in June 2020.
A settlement has not been reached, so no benefits are available yet. However, individuals are encouraged to opt-in to the lawsuit on the settlement website. The deadline to opt-in is September 23, 2020; individuals can submit their consent forms via mail or online. Applicants must provide a PSA ID if submitting their form online. More information is available on the website.
California Class Action Lawsuit Attorneys
When a group of employees shares a common complaint against their employer, they can seek a class-action lawsuit.
In California, class-action lawsuits hold employers accountable for wrongful actions against their workforce, protecting future employees from harm and compensating past or current employees.
At the Workplace Rights Law Group, our class action lawsuit attorneys passionately advocate for California workers.
With nearly 100 years of combined experience in employment law and millions of dollars recovered for our clients, we know how to take on large companies like Universal Protection Services.
If you suspect your rights as an employee were violated, our lawyers are here to help you. Give us a call at (818) 844-5200 for a free case review.